MasterMinders Childminding Service in Hitchin
MasterMinders                                      Childminding Service in Hitchin

To contact us:

Tel: 07958 741901

Opening hours

Mon-Fri  8am-6pm


Please also use our contact form.



North Place






New website

Now you can take a look at us here on the internet!

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Stay informed

Here you can find out more details about planned outings, special activities and an overview of the plans for the month ahead.

January we thought about snow, the cold and attempting to cover Burns night and Austrailia day! We have had fun with real snow, a play land of ice and snow, water play, bubble blowing and colour mixing, colour and shape sorting games with boxes, soft play areas, learning more baby signs etc


February we had fun celebrating a birthday, pancake day and valentines day, we enjoyed heart themed playdough activities with scented dough and heart shaped tins, during half term we enjoyed Pots of Art, swimming, the park etc. We have enjoyed having a colour themed table in the kitchen, encouraging the children to explore the objects in the basket and to compare and match other like colours, a new colour each week and it continues....


March so far we have enjoyed the sunshine and the freedom it brings with the garden and the park, we started some potting before the untimely rain last week, hopefully we can still begin our vegetable seed sowing this month, Mothers day has been lovely and the children have all enjoyed taking part in their activities of choice! We have put our black board table to good use with glow in the dark stars and chalks, fished for magnetic letters and been cutting and threading. We continue March with thoughts of others as Comic relief takes place this week, we have the globe ready for the children to look at. New for this month is a 'story in a case' to share with the children, a book with props and wonderful things linked to the story so we can bring the story alive as we read it together, hopefully this has endless possibilities and learning opportunities for children across the ages. (Jo is very excited!!)



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